We are a network of people and projects in Carlisle, that want to make our city more sustainable for ourselves and for following generations. We wish to help create a peaceful, vibrant, resilient future based on common sense, ecological wisdom and social justice.
We will do this by:
Increasing awareness of local and global issues surrounding Climate Change and Peak Oil.
Helping to reducing Carlisle’s overall Greenhouse Gas emissions and dependence on Fossil Fuels.
Whilst we do this, we will take every reasonable step to minimise the Greenhouse Gas emissions resulting from our groups’ activities.
Sustainable Carlisle is incorporated as an IPS (an Industrial and Provident Society). A cooperative for the good of the community.
We are committed to making decisions by consensus process.
Please email info@sustainablecarlisle.org with any general enquiries.
We are supported by funding from the The National Lottery as part of the Zero Carbon Cumbria Partnership. Find out more about the ZCCP here:
Zero Carbon Cumbria Programme
Find us on social media !
facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/318769556648
instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sustainablecarlisle/
Our History:
We have arisen from the Carlisle Countdown to Copenhagen project, which was set up to raise awareness of, and lobby for a good and fair deal for the whole world on Climate Change at the United Nations Climate Change talks in Copenhagen last December. As you probably know this was not achieved. Three of us, Helen Atkinson, Helen Davison and Mark Lloyd went to Copenhagen to be there and join the large numbers of people calling for a fair deal. And no, before you ask we didn’t fly, we travelled by minibus (in a group of 15 from Cumbria) and ferry to get there! Our trip to Copenhagen was a real experience and all of us came back inspired to carry on action in the fight to get Climate Justice. We are also aware that the issue is much more than just about climate change but about the whole way we in the developed world currently live our lives and consume earth’s precious and limited resources, at the expense of people in the Global South (the developing world). This urgently needs to be tackled and at present our politicians and many of those around the world are not doing a good job. And for the politicians to change it needs people to be voting for those that will act firmly and to take action themselves to move the sustainability agenda forward.
And so in Carlisle we have just set up the Sustainable Carlisle Network to start doing this. A network because there are already people and groups out there doing stuff but by joining together as a network we can hopefully co-ordinate our actions better and be more effective.
So please do get involved.