Climate Outreach recently carried out a very interesting presentation looking at communications around climate change. Please find a link below to the recording of the session…
Passcode: #talkingclimate1
Chris Shaw of Climate Outreach has kindly provided links to further resources that you may find useful:
- After the lockdown? New lessons for building climate change engagement in the UK – Climate Outreach
- Rural attitudes to climate change – equipping UK rural councillors to engage with their communities – Climate Outreach
- Youth narrative and voice: principles for effective climate, energy and environmental education in Alberta – Climate Outreach
- Recommendations for engaging young people with climate change campaigns – Climate Outreach
- Young Voices: how do 18-25 year olds engage with climate change? – Climate Outreach
Chris also added the following note: An important question raised at the session was “is there a quick and easy way of knowing what Britain Talks Climate segment a person is in?” The answer, following some double checking, is unfortunately no. The shortest method involves 16 questions. Two resources related to that question that may be of value to partners in Cumbria is our ‘Talking Climate’ toolkit and some new resources which will be available soon on how to reach the segments through digital means such as Facebook.