We at Sustainable Carlisle are passionate about empowering people to make the journey from passive consumer to active citizen.
Ways of being an active citizen…
Stay up to date on local issues and climate change
Volunteer in your community
Share your ideas and spark debate
Use your voting rights
Consider our privilege and make space for others
Enjoy other cultures when you can
Support local businesses and local farms
Watch your own ecological footprint
Take matters into your own hands
Join school councils, youth organisations, green groups
Buy less stuff and give more of you
Share stuff! Upcycle, recycle and repair stuff you have already got!
Open social media channels
Write to your local MP and councillors to demand better!
Think critically
Start petitions!
Have fun!
Get heard by the folk who make decisions about your life!
Sign up for the six lifestyle change pledges at the Jump! (takethejump.org)