Example Objection to Hespin Wood Waste Plant Extensions

Don’t worry if the consultation end date has passed. Your objection should still be counted as long as it is received before the planning application has been decided.

Send your objection by email or post. Don’t forget to include your name and address. Sign and date if submitting by post.

Email to: MWPlanning@Cumberland.gov.uk

Or post to: Jayne Petersen, Minerals & Waste Planning, County Hall, Busher Walk, Kendal, LA9 4RQ

OBJECTION to Planning Amendments for Hespin Wood:

1/24/9002, 1/24/9003, 1/24/9004,
1/24/9005, 1/24/9006, 1/24/9007.

I OBJECT to making these Hespin Wood waste plants permanent.

According to the Cumbria Minerals and Waste Local Plan, Hespin Wood is a landfill site which must be restored when it closes. It is not an industrial estate.

We need a waste strategy that is fit for purpose:

  • a strategy decided with us, not imposed on us
  • a strategy that protects our health
  • a strategy that protects our environment
  • a strategy that is fully consistent with waste reduction and climate goals

Strategy first. No piecemeal extensions.

Please acknowledge receipt of this objection.



